Adult Education October 2020

Sunday Mass Today


During our October Adult Education Programs this year, when we are in a difficult time for our Sunday liturgies, some thoughts about Sunday Mass may be appropriate and helpful. On the four Sundays of October Father Edmund Hussey shall discuss different aspects of our Sunday Mass tradition and practice. These programs will be between the Masses on Sunday mornings and will begin at 9:30. They will take place in the Church instead of in the parish hall but there will continue to be an opportunity for your questions and comments, as there has been in the past.


October 4, 2020: Some Random Historical Thoughts about the Mass

The current virus pandemic has caused significant change in our Sunday Mass celebrations and attendance. Some random thoughts about the past of our Sunday observance may give us some food for thought at this time. Father Edmund Hussey will open our Adult Education series with a few of these random thoughts.


October 11, 2020: Sunday Mass – Obligation or Commitment

The terms “obligation” and “commitment” are related but not identical. We can be obliged to do something but not be really committed to do it. On the other hand, a commitment to do something generally implies an obligation to do it. On the second Sunday of this series Father Hussey will discuss this issue in the background of our Sunday Mass obligation.


October 18, 2020: Will the Latin Mass Be Restored

The post-Vatican II changes in our liturgy have been well received by most Catholics. But there are a significant number of Catholics who still have a preference for the pre-Vatican Latin mass and hope for its complete restoration. On the third Sunday of this series Father Hussey will discuss this issue and our response to it.


October 25, 2020: A Welcoming Church

We are often somewhat puzzled why a significant number of Catholics no longer come to Sunday Mass. That is a complicated question to which there is no single answer. On the fourth and final Sunday of our October Adult Education Program Father Edmund Hussey will discuss this issue and our possible responses to it.


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