We are Catholic men building a bridge back to faith, striving to better ourselves and our world. We invest our time, our effort, and our resources into our values of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. The St. Agatha Knights of Columbus in 2021 have spent 621 volunteer hours and $6,981 on such activities and charities as the Parish Picnic, Lighting the Way, Mulch Madness, Baptismal Gifts, UA Special Olympics, Women’s Care Center, Support for Deployed Troops, Eagle Scouts, Seminarians, Hands Together and more.

Joining online is easy, go to kofc.org/joinus, our council number is 11311. If you any questions, please e-mail John Swartz at jtswartz@yahoo.com.

Open to men 18 years of age or older who are “practical” (that is, practicing) Catholics.

© 2025 St. Agatha | Upper Arlington, OH Built with Diocesan