Baptism Registration "*" indicates required fields Child's Name* First Middle Last Gender of Child to be Baptized* Male Female Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Parent Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Child's Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Child's City of Birth*Is the Child Adopted* Yes No Has the Child already been Baptized privately by someone for any reason. (ie: In the hospital)* Yes No Father's Name* First Middle Last Is the Father's Name on the Child's Birth Certificate?* Yes No Father's Religion (Specific Denomination)*Is the Father Baptized* Yes No Mother's Name* First Middle Maiden Last Name (Last Name at BIRTH) *PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PUT MAIDEN NAME - NAME AT BIRTHMother's Religion (Specific Denomination)*Is the Mother Baptized* Yes No Are the Child's Parents Married* Yes No Name of Church or Place of Marriage*I understand the below text regarding Church Law* YES CHURCH LAW requires that a candidate for Baptism/Membership in the Church community be sponsored by a fully initiated Catholic (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) who leads a life of faith consistent with the function being assumed. The sponsor must be at least sixteen (16) years of age. There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each. The godparent should have the aptitude and intention of carrying out the function of helping the child grow and develop in the Catholic Faith. A “Christian Witness,” that is, a baptized non-Catholic in good standing, is permitted at baptism as long as he or she witnesses the baptism along with the godparent who fulfills the requirements listed above. The sponsor may not be the father or mother of the one baptized. Parents are required to fulfill the parish program concerning the preparation for Baptism.Male Godfather's Name* First Last Is the Male Godfather 16 years of age or older* Yes No Male Godfather's Religion (Specific Denomination)*Has the Male Godfather been baptized?* Yes No Has the Male Godfather been Confirmed in the Catholic Church?* Yes No Female Godmothers's Name* First Last Is the Female Godmother 16 years of age or older* Yes No Female Godmother's Religion (Specific Denomination)*Has the Female Godmother been baptized?* Yes No Has the Female Godmother been Confirmed in the Catholic Church?* Yes No I understand All Catholic Sponsors need a completed Sponsor Certificate from their parish of record. A copy of the form needed is on the St. Agatha Website on the Baptism Page. This form completed and on-file with the St. Agatha Parish office before the baptism date can be finalized. At least 1 (one) sponsor must be Catholic. If a sponsor is not Catholic, they will be notated as a “Christian Witness” on the completed baptismal certificate.* Yes Date of Baptism Class - (If you do not know exact date you Must Call the Office.)*Please indicate if you have attended the baptism class at St. Agatha. If not, when do you plan on attending? It is on the third Sunday of MOST months after the 11 a.m. Mass. NO CLASS IN DECEMBER!Possible Date for Baptism - This Date will be confirmed only once the baptism Class has been taken and ALL paperwork including the Godparent/Sponsor forms have been received and validated.*2nd or 4th Sunday of MOST months after the 11 a.m. Mass. Church office will call to confirm date! No Baptisms during Lent.I understand that the Baptism Date is NOT Scheduled until I recieve a CALL or EMAIL from the Parish Office confirming the baptism Class has been taken and ALL paperwork including the Godparent/Sponsor forms have been received and validated.* YES CAPTCHA Δ