To qualify as “registered, established, and active” for the purpose of marrying at St. Agatha, at least one of the two people must have had a real relationship with, and presence in, our parish for at least six (6) months before the couple is considered eligible to marry at St. Agatha Catholic Church.  In practical terms, this means that either the bride or the groom (if not both) must be:

  • Formally, actually, registered at St. Agatha Parish (i.e. one’s name appears in the parish database);
  • Fully participating in the sacramental and liturgical life of the parish. And at a minimum one must attend Mass every Sunday and every Holy Day of Obligation.
  • Actively put one’s time and talent at work in the more general and varied needs of maintaining a parish home and grounds.
  • Regularly contributing an appropriate portion of one’s annual income to the financial support of St. Agatha Catholic Church and Parish. These contributions must be traceable and assignable to the contributor.

On the point of registration, note that once young people reach the age of majority (i.e. 18), he and she are required to register at the parish for themselves as adult individuals.  (However, this requirement will not apply to any child age18 and above who remains legally dependent on his or her parents for any reason.  Commonly, a child is legitimately maintained on a family’s registration record while completing his or her undergraduate degree.)

Children of registered, established, active parishioners who may no longer themselves be registered at St. Agatha are welcome to marry here provided that the presiding cleric here has received the necessary permission to witness the marriage from the pastor of the Catholic parish at which the young adult at issue is now registered.  Please note, that although family origin might qualify a young man or young woman to marry at St. Agatha, it is active participation and worship in a Catholic community that will be the one factor that determines whether a son or daughter may marry at here.

Arrangements for weddings must be made with the priest or deacon at least six months in advance.

No date may be reserved without first consulting with the celebrant of the wedding.

Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter is required.


© 2025 St. Agatha | Upper Arlington, OH Built with Diocesan